Alright, so I decided to buy the LMS hack yesterday, and at first I had some issues, mostly with anti-viruses.
At first, even though I had them both disabled, Bitdefender and Windows Defender would automatically delete the file. I of course contacted support, and they helped me out, essentially telling me that even though they were disabled, the two could be causing problems. I did a quick reinstall of the hack, had a few login issues, but finally got in. Fantastic support, Aimjunkies, please keep it up.

Here's my actual review of the hack itself:

The Aimbot: The Aimbot is a bit... wonky, I suppose, but not the aimbot itself. The "Prediction" option under the Aimbot tab wasn't flawless, but it 100% got the job done. If I'm able to hit headshots 250m away, it's a wonderful aimbot, and I was able to do just that with this. Summary: Aimbot is not perfect, but still fantastic.

The ESP / Visuals: There is NOTHING I can complain about with the ESP / Visuals here. It all looks very tidy and ALWAYS renders in players, and stops rendering in corpses after a few seconds! The only thing I could "complain" about is I could not seem to find a setting to change the color of the Weapon/Item ESP, is that not an option or was I just blind? Anyways, here's the summary: ESP is fantastic and 100% worth it.

The Rest: As I stated earlier, the support for this was absolutely fantastic. I'm still a bit worried about the fact that almost anything I have related to an AV deletes this file, but that's just because I'm a worry wart. The colors for this hack are really nice to look at, they're not those disgusting colors that you can commonly see used for visuals in cheats, it's wonderful. The Radar is also amazing, I just don't use it as I feel my screen is cluttered when I do.

Overall, fantastic hack, I'd give it a 10/10, and I definitely think more people should use it.